4th Annual Iqbal Symposium on Islamic Thought & Civilization (go.umflint.edu/iqbal2024)
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Registration is now closed (this event already took place).
This year, the main event will be Thursday, February 15, 5:30-7:30 p.m., in the Northbank Center’s Grand Ballroom. Our keynote speaker will be Dr. Anne Rasmussen, Professor of Music and Ethnomusicology and Bickers Professor of Middle Eastern Studies at the College of William & Mary.
Professor Rasmussen's talk is titled, Techniques of Tilawa: The Power of Islamic Vocal Art in an Indian Ocean World. Here's a description of her talk:
Among scholars and citizens of the Islamicate world, Indonesia is renowned for its rich culture of Qur’anic recitation, for its multi-tiered system of public and private Islamic education, and since 1945, the year of Indonesian independence, for its dynamic interplay of religion, politics, and social life. Les well-documented are the ways in which Islamic performance – from religious ritual to sacred song to pious pop – shapes and publicly articulates individual and community identities. Dynamically illustrated with materials from over 20 years of ethnographic research in the region, Anne K. Rasmussen introduces and explores the meaning and the impact of Islamic vocal forms, most of them rooted in tilawa, the recitation of the Qur’an, with roots that extend deep into Indonesia’s local cultures and branches that extend across the Indian Ocean.
If you are unable to attend the symposium in-person, there is a virtual option here, which does not require pre-registration: go.umflint.edu/iqbal2024.
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Co-hosted with: Division of Student Affairs
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